Belos blogues - 1

O Infinite Matrix é um daqueles blogues que visito muitas vezes. Não apenas por gostar dos tónicos de Cory Doctorow, mas sobretudo por gostar de ler boas histórias. Reparem no início desta (da autoria de Leslie What, entitulada Love me):

"My wife, who is from Russia, and I are about to celebrate our tenth anniversary. Maybe celebrate is too strong a word for what we are doing. Observe might be a better choice, given the circumstances. I sit alone in her apartment, a bottle of California champagne on ice. Yelena will be home late; I hear she goes out dancing on Friday nights. I can wait, after all, I waited until I was forty to get married. I am good at waiting. Plus, she has cable. It's weird how I can change the channels from my head using my brain implant. The implant doesn't work how it's supposed to, but it does change the channels. I think it's defective. That would explain a lot."