terça-feira, 4 de abril de 2006


Romance de acção? Ora leia-se a sinopse do livro de que hoje Jacques Steinberg faz eco no The New York Times (Between the Bridge and the River de Craig Ferguson). O romance não faz por menos: envolve na mesma teia Sócrates, Sinatra, mulheres fatais homicidas, Larry King, Carl Jung, evangelistas televisivos, etc.
Its main characters include two old friends from Scotland, one of them a television evangelist whose program is derailed by a sex scandal; a femme fatale who has killed off six husbands; and a pair of half brothers sired by Frank Sinatra and Peter Lawford in their Rat Pack days. ("Ring-a-ding-ding," Mr. Ferguson writes, appropriating one of Sinatra's signature lines). Among the other figures who make cameos, as Mr. Ferguson sends up Las Vegas and Hollywood, to say nothing of Christianity, Scientology, television news and the escort industry, are Carl Jung (wearing a Cossack's uniform in one dream sequence), Larry King and Socrates.”