sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2005

Onde, quem, o quê?

A Europa descrita por Anthony Lane no The New Yorker de hoje:

"Most Americans know nothing of the location, composition, or purpose of the European Union. There is no shame in such ignorance, for most Europeans are in the same position—rather worse, indeed, given that they are the ones who are meant to be experiencing a pleasant sensation of unity. If anything, the view from the States is more precise: Europe is that Shrek-shaped landmass to the left of the Middle East, and the European Union, or E.U., must therefore be the constitutional equivalent of a group hug, designed to insure that no Finn, say, will ever launch a first-strike attack on a Greek. Europeans themselves, however, cannot even decide where Europe begins and ends. Does it include Turkey, which has taken the first step toward joining the E.U. in 2015? Does it even include Great Britain, a founding member? To most Englishmen, the geography is unambiguous: Europe is what you get if you are stupid enough to venture any farther than Kent."

Mas vale, de facto, a pena ler na íntegra.
Sempre é muitíssimo melhor do que aturar a campanha eleitoral (um choraminga com o passado, o outro choraminga com os média que o delapidam, outros choramingam com as notícias propositadamente falsas, outros choramingam ainda com percentagens delirantes que alvitram, outros... por que não se vota já amanhã?)