segunda-feira, 17 de novembro de 2003

Profecia de guerra

Agradeço a gentileza do Max Sawicky Web Blog e o facto de ir criar um linque para o Miniscente. Retiro do seu blogue o seguinte extracto de texto, relativo à situação no Iraque e à súbita mudança de estratégia dos EUA:

If my proposal sounds edgy and radical, I'd like to point out that it has a lot of similarity to what the Bush Administration appears to be planning to do. In other words, U.S. soldiers will be withdrawn from "nation-building" duty guarding facilities, keeping order, and presenting themselves as targets to hostile forces. A quasi-sovereignty will be transferred to some configuration of Iraqis. U.S. forces will be stationed in heavily-protected enclaves and venture out at will to attack suspected insurgents. Victory will be declared, again, and the stream of progress reports will continue.

How do I know this? Because I have seen the future, and its name is Afghanistan. Victory in Afghanistan is like the outcome of a "capture the flag" game. The winner stands on top of a hill with a flag. The flag is the nominal control of Kabul. The countryside is under the control of totally self-interested opium and other warlords, the resurgent Taliban, or nobody. No money is coming in, and no nation is being built. U.S. forces sally forth periodically to fight bad guys. Typically the operations go well, but there are always more bad guys.

Será que este istmo profético tem alguma razão de ser? É bem possí­vel que sim.