quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2005

Ócios iraquianos

Veja-se este precioso sinal dos tempos vindo directamente do Iraque (blogue Iraq the Model):

"Maybe the reason for not writing much these days is because of the current situation in Iraq; the elections are over and the results have been announced so there's nothing BIG to reason or to write about.Also, there aren't any remarkable changes in the everyday life in Iraq recently; although the security situation has somewhat improved in Baghdad but still not to the degree that makes a difference. Less explosions and gunfire are heard but criminal gangs still perform their attacks so the citizens of Baghdad are still cautious."

Já não sei quem disse que o tema central do trabalho literário do Eça era precisamente o ócio. Tirando os "gangs" e outras desventuras, cada qual na sua escala e época. É claro.