terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2003

Universo moral

Eis como o blogue de Brendan O´neill descreve a "masturbação moral" que, no ocidente, sucedeu à captura de Saddam Hussein:

Since Saddam climbed out of his spider-hole and into the custody of US troops, we have read thousands of words about Iraq - it's the 'end of an era', we are told, the 'shadow of Saddam' has finally being lifted, the Iraqi people's eyes have been opened to their 'liberation', and so on.
But I would like to turn our focus back to the West for a moment, and ask: what kind of people define their moral universe by the capture of a dirty, bedraggled has-been dictator down a stinking hole in Tikrit?

(Atenção rapaziada mais novinha: isto é puro sarcasmo e nada tem a ver com a dicotomia boa-má notícia que parece ter sido imputada à dita captura)