segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2003

Tabus do Vaticano

Os 31 novos cardeais que o Papa nomeou constituem, segundo o Economist, uma espécie de truque que visa perpetuar a ortodoxia vigente. Mas há quem sussurre que andam outros fumos a levantar-se pelas esquinas:

Many in the church, particularly in America, will be hoping that the pope’s eventual successor will be more liberal. The composition of the College of Cardinals, including this latest batch, appears to make this unlikely. But surprises can happen. Pope John XXIII was expected to be a “caretaker pope”. But Vatican II, the council that he established in 1962, succeeded in his aim of “throwing open the windows” of the church and implementing liberalising reforms more far-reaching, in their way, than anything Pope John Paul has achieved in the opposite direction. Who knows what a few well-directed prayers might do?

A coisa faz mesmo lembrar os plenos e os conclaves e as traições e os tabus do tempo do PCURSS.